Monday, January 18, 2016

The Old Harmony Mags & Vids

When I was freelancing a videos to Harmony Concepts from 1998-2001 sometimes they would put promotional photos of my movies in their magazines. For the flick, The Director, the Thief, the Actress and the Rogue, they gave a few pages of the October 1999 Love Bondage Scenes. The cover, even! That was cool. In fact, two of my movies were in that particular issue, the other being The Flamingo Lamp.

Here are four of those pages, scanned for your retro viewing pleasure. The movie starred our early luminaries, Veronica Byrne, Miranda Capulet, and Connie Sims. There's a few more pages, and I'll share those another day.

1 comment:

  1. Kinda makes me want to dig around and see if they still offer this DVD for sale..


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